Reason In Life

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Sorry karena sudah menurunkan ekspetasi anda sekalian, ntah mengapa semangat untuk membuat artikel terutama tentang competitive programming dah menurun. *ambil parasut...
Ntah dikarenakan OSN dah mulai, atau aku dah masuk kuliah...

Yak sekarang saya pengen ngomong satu dua hal tentang kehidupan saya, share - share pengalaman aja lah, apalagi kejadiannya baru gak terlalu lama. Bosen artikel terus, gak ada warna...

Okey, pengen kasih pengumuman kalau aku sudah mulai masuk kuliah. Ya untuk awal - awal ini belum belajar apa - apa seh, baru pendalaman Bahasa Inggris, terutama untuk conversation gitu. Eh, mungkin pada nanya aku masuk kemana, aku masuk ke SSR (School of Sound Recording) letaknya di Jakarta, tepatnya di Tanjung Duren, dekat Mall Central Park.
Dan tebak aku ambil apa... Yak anda salah (ngerasa jadi kayak Dora), saya tidak mengambil jurusan IT sama sekali, melainkan saya mengambil Digital Film and Music Video Production (I don't have really an idea why they just can't say it "Filmmaking" or "Perfilman").

Dan dari kalian pasti banyak mengatakan : Whhhhhyyyy?

Simple answer : I want it.

Extended answer : It's my dream. I want to be famous. *yeah right famous

Full blown reason : Information Technology or Computer Science become mainstream now. I don't really like to do something that has many people fight for it. I like to become a minority so I can be unique. Become unique is the way that we can be famous *or is it just my weird mindset?*. Then another reason that is if I do get Information Technology or Computer Science, I have already know the materials that they learn in first two years. What I mean that is I have already understand what they learn, so why I must waste my precious 4 years just to get Bachelor Degree (S1)? It's just ridiculous. *Yeah I just want to brag right now, sorry*. So why I can be assured that I have know the materials before I take it? Okay, I have some interview with some friends that I know and had that major *not interview though, it's just a light chat*. Whenever I ask him what do you learn in college, they said that they learn just the basic programming, and they have already know it before *He used to join competitive programming competition*. And when I look the curriculum, so why there is many thing that is not related to Information Technology is in the curriculum? Okay, maybe you can related it in ridiculous way, but the materials doesn't support the Information Technology directly.
Another reason, why I take filmmaking course is because that my childhood dream is want to be an artist. Don't ask me why I want to be an artist that day, I was just a child okay ;). And now then I was asked to join math competition. And fortunately *or unfortunately* I won the competition and got to join the national competition even international competition *aaaand I brag myself again*. And when I remember that day again, I think I had used all my luck there, and now I just have a little luck here *WTF Dud*. Btw, yeah maybe that is "Math" problem or something like that, but the inner core of the problem is the "Creativity", the thing can make the problem easier and doable is your creativity. And in junior high school, I just lost my interest in math anymore, but I still join math competition. In that time, I thought that I like art, I like math and logical thing, and I like story *I do like watch movie*. And if I combine that all, I came to a conclusion that Game Development can be my thing. And that's true. I enjoy programming and all the stuff behind the game development. And that is the first time I do programming. And in one event, there was someone that ask me what my dream is. So I said to her that my dream is being a Game Programmer... or a Film Director. She surprised to my answer, and ask what is the similar thing about them, it completely different. I just can't answer that, because the latter answer, Film Director, just popped out from my mouth without my realization. It just came to my mind and yeah... I don't really know the answer, may be they both need "Creativity". And then, in high school, I change my thing to programming. I do some game programming (mainly in Haxe, and target the flash). And one time, my teacher asked me to join debate competition. There is a fun thing about this story. When I see the flyer, there is not only debate competition, but there are others competition such as, scrabble, speech, storytelling, newscasting, and short movie making. And I told my teacher that I didn't want to join debate competition, instead I want to join short movie making. When I did the full blown project with my friend, I just feel, this is what I want, and this is what I search. I really enjoy that. But unfortunately we didn't win the competition, but I felt somehow, it made me sure that I want it. And I do join competitive programming competition. You know, I have a hard time when changing this. That is the permission and expectation from the other to me. I do math, I have better chance with math, so why I change my direction to programming. It has many reason that I can tell you, but not here I think *this post just get too long*. I have a hard time to convince my parent if you want to know it. And in the end, I am close to get the ticket to the Italy for joining International Competitive Programming. It's IOI (International Olympiad in Informatics) if you want to know. But I don't get it. I failed the last selection *shame on me*. You know, some people might say that they scared if they don't pass the selection, but for me I am scared that if I don't pass the selection and I don't regret it. And that's came true, I don't know why, but I don't regret it at all *OMG, WTH happened to me*. So I hope that the Big Four won't disappointed me with the result of the competition. And in high school I search my future college. Okay, this is my hard time again. As you know, I want to be in Film School, where ever it is. I check it online, and surprise with the result, the price is so high. I tend to search for any scholarship in Film School but I have no luck. And I can't just ask my parent for paying that incredible amount of money. Yeah I don't know what to do. And my parent want me to take IT *and now, why now my parent support me to take IT, in past time, they tried so hard to make me sure that I didn't move from math*. So, I tell them that I want to take Film, and convincing them. They are not convinced enough *oh well then*. And my parent suggests me to try applying the scholarship, I get it or not, it doesn't matter, that's what they said. So, I tried in Bina Nusantara (Binus), and bla bla bla, I give my list of achievement, my data and so on so on *my mother handle this actually not me*. And you know what, I get the full scholarship in Binus. Yay! Or not? You know what, when you are given one door, you have no choice to open that only door. But if you have two, you have the hard time to decide what door to open. And I want to make worse *or better* this story. I tried to apply scholarship in Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) *Uang Papa Habis*, I give the requirement. And they invited me for an interview. They asked me what is my first choice of university, is it UPH or another universities. I said that it's not my first choice, I would rather go to universities overseas. And they asked me whether UPH is just my backup plan. I said yeah, but not directly, I say that I like to study aboard and see the new world, I just don't want stuck in one place. And they asked what kind of scholarship that I want. I don't know this before, they said that there are 2 kind of scholarship, a scholarship with a bond to UPH, so you get scholarship but you must work for UPH for 2 years, and you must get GPA 3.5, and the secondly, you have no bond with UPH, and you must get GPA 3.75. I choose the second *honestly, I don't really have any idea what the numbers talk, I don't know how hard it is to get GPA 3.75, I don't know till now*. Several day later, there is come mail that said that I get the full scholarship. Great huh? I have a perfect life, got two scholarship, and I have something that I want brag for you all. I get the letter that said that I will get accepted in Universitas Indonesia (UI) without test because I am in Big Eight in National Team. Ironically, there is many people try hard to get into UI, and I get it freely? Realy? I forgot whether I have told this to my parent or not *but I think that is better if they don't know, I think you know the reason why I don't tell them*. Aaaand I didn't take any of those chance. Whaaaat? And then I join SSR.

*Sesi bahasa inggris selese*
Jadi kamu bisa liat, dan bilang aku bodoh atau kurang bijaksana. Ya mungkin kamu benar aku bodoh, tapi aku sudah memikirkannya sebijaksana yang aku bisa. Dan ini adalah kesimpulan akhir aku. Dan ada kejadian yang bisa dipetik, orang yang benar - benar dekat sama saya, pasti bakal mendukung saya, karena mereka tahu apa yang bisa saya lakukan. Tetapi orang yang hanya mengetahui aku di bidang akademik, pasti hanya bisa menyayangkan keputusan ini.
Mungkin kalian kecewa dengan keputusan ini, saya minta maaf kalau begitu, tapi saya ingin mencoba untuk berkomitmen *halah istilahnya* dengan pilihan saya yang sekarang.

Jadi gimana dengan programming saya? Sepertinya saya akan simpan dia sebagai backup plan saja...


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2 komentar:

  1. Sengaja dibuat wall of text supaya yang bener - bener niat baca yang tau :p...

    Hmmm... ntahlah too ==a... aku juga baru mulai neh ==a... *swt

  2. oh ya to... buat sfx bisa di search disini
    Atau digenerate (ya ngegenerate LOL) pakai software ini
    Dan ada aplikasi free yang bagus lainnya seperti
    Dan untuk BGM, ada banyak free disini


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